These 9 Essential Amino Acids help Build Muscle, Reduce Stress and Lower Blood Sugar
If you’ve been around some bodybuilding or athlete friends, you’ll soon hear the words Amino acids being the building blocks of protein. Bodybuilders love aminos because they are the building blocks to grow muscle mass. But, even if you aren’t looking to necessarily build muscle, amino acids are benefit to anyone looking for a healthy lifestyle. Here are the 9 “essential” amino acids to keep in mind when shopping for your next protein powder.
This is an essential amino acid that is needed to help grow and repair tissue in the body. There is also research that has shown that that it can help protect against any radiation and can remove heavy metals.
This amino acid is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (aka BCAAs). The other two are Leucine and Valine. This amino is concentrated heavily indoor muscle tissue and can play an important part in the metabolism of your muscle. It’s also involved in blood clot forming for your blood sugar levels and important with producing hemoglobins, which is a protein in red blood cells that carry oxygen in the body.
Another essential amino acid that is also a three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) used for muscle repair and growth. Leucine has been studied to enhance strength and performance and can often be said to be the most important amino acid to build muscle mass. Leucine also aid in the production of growth hormones and prompts insulin release.
Lysine helps produce enzymes and antibodies. It helps play a vital role in your immune system by improving a balance of nutrients for your body in a way that can inhibit any growths of foreign viruses. Lysine is also important to help boost collagen production.
The amino acid Methionine contains a sulfur compound and plays a powerful role to supply antibodies into your body; thus reducing free radical damage. It has also been found that it plays an important role in your liver.
Phenylalanine helps in the brain with mild depression and with anxiety. It helps in the production with neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. It is found to be act as a potential anti-depressant according to some studies conducted.
This amino acid is the main producer of collagen and elastin. This helps provide and maintaining a healthy gut and digestive tract. It also helps your metabolism and liver and prevents any fat buildup around it.
Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin which is a feel-good neurotransmitter that is found to be essential in appetite
Valine is a branched-chain essential amino acid (BCAA) and helps repair damaged tissues, promotes normal growth, provides energy to cells and regulates blood sugar levels.
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